Saturday 15th June 2019 marks the eighth annual National Flash Fiction Day, a celebration of all that is bold and brief about this ultra-short literary form. Every year there are a number of events, competitions, readings, and publications - including the ever-impressive National Flash Fiction Day anthology. The book this year is called "And We Pass Through" (after Joy Manné's story) and is centred on the theme of "Doors" - however and whatever that may mean. Over 70 writers contributed to this volume, taking the theme in a huge variety of literal and metaphorical directions - with none of the stories coming in at any more than 500 words. I'm delighted to have had a story accepted for the book; mine is called "The Advent of Us". Find out where to buy a copy of the book in print or for your Kindle at this link. |
"The Advent of Us" published in the National Flash Fiction Day anthology "And We Pass Through"29/6/2019
May 2021